{ "LogLocation": "/Log.txt", // Location of the log file "CorsAllowedOrigins": "http://localhost:5173", // The URL of the frontend SPA "Devices": { "YaleLockNodeId": "?" // The yale lock node id from your ZWave Network }, "Codes": { "Home": 1, // Home user code "GuestCodeRangeStart": 2, // Guest or user codes start ID "GuestCodeRangeCount": 5 // Guest or user codes count }, "ZWave": { "Url": "ws://localhost:3000", // The URL of the ZWave Server "SchemaVersion": "?" // The schema version of your ZWave Network }, "Authentication": { "Password": "" // Password to access the YaleAccess Portal }, "Twilio": { "AccountSid": "", "AuthToken": "", "FromNumber": "", "Message": "" } }